Monday, September 28, 2009

Yet Another Symptom!

Well, you must be getting tired of me writing about how sick I am. Me too!! Just when I thought I was on the road to wellness, another symptom popped up! I couldn't work today because I have the worst sore throat I've ever experienced. If there was a contest for sore throats, mine would be the winner! One thing I'm learning - I never realized how many times I swallow throughout the course of a day. Each and every swallow is excruciating. And I'm NOT over exaggerating...I am in serious pain!!!
I called the doctor and, thankfully, they had a cancellation this morning. I was certain I had strep throat. The doctor and I were both surprised when the culture came back negative. She thinks I have thrush. She thinks it's caused from the inhaler I'm on to help me cope with bronchitis. And you know what is almost as painful? When you "Google" thrush, it says it often appears in babies and older adults!!! Give me a break! I'm now on another round of antibiotics and some yucky medicine that I have to swish around and swallow. How's everything with you????

1 comment:

Laura said...

I have the exact same sore throat symptoms that you have! HOLY COW it hurts!!! I made the mistake of going to work today! Lost my voice completely! I've been whispering to the kids all evening! Cloraseptic Spray (Sp?) doesn't even help because I can't get it deep enough down my throat! Now it's gone into my sinuses and I'm on an antibiotic, too! Called a doctor friend and he confirmed what my Dr. said. Take 4 Advil every 6 hours and hopefully it will stop hurting! 800 mg 4 times a day! WOW!!!!

Hope you feel better quickly!!!

Love ya!
