Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sore Throats amd Toilet Paper

Had to stay home from work again. I literally can not talk. I spent most of the day trying - in vain - to find something to relieve the pain in my throat. It doesn't hurt only when I swallow. It is sort of an ever present burning feeling. I hope and pray this will clear up soon so that I will be able to go to Chicago. I leave on Thursday.

Chicago - that's another thing that has been foremost in my mind - a close second to my obsession over my throat!!! But I'm not very proud of my thoughts. Instead of joyfully looking forward to seeing people that I have not seen since college, I'm fixated on the fact that I have "nothing" to wear. This is probably going to be a fancy event and I don't own any "fancy event" clothes. I'm really upset with myself for letting these silly thoughts enter my mind. I know that once I'm there, I'll be fine and could care less what I am wearing, or for that matter, what any one else is wearing...I just want to have a wonderful time catching up with old friends.

How about you? Have you ever had an experience like this? I still remember the embarrassing situation that happened at my 10 year high school graduation. I wore a beautiful off-white knit skirt and sweater. I thought I looked sooooo hot! I was amazed at how many heads I seemed to be turning. Then I realized WHY so many people were looking at me. While waiting in line in the women's restroom, there was a full length mirror. To my horror, my slip was bunched way up around my waist and my beloved thunder thighs were very obvious to all through the sheer knit skirt! Not a pretty sight! Yeah, it's funny when it happens to someone else. Like the time Elise and I doubled over with laughter as the cute little hottie from the cosmetic department walked her way down the department store aisle, waving , winking, smiling, and flirting with every male she came in contact with. Little did she know that she had a long trail of toilet paper coming out of her skirt! We could have pulled it off or told her to check her skirt, but we were having too much fun laughing! Isn't that terrible???

I hope I've grown a little since then! I hope I don't become self-absorbed. I want the focus - my focus - to be the reason why we are all together. I want to give thanks for Trinity and the four wonderful years that I spent there. Those years were life-changing for me in many ways. And God used those years to bring me to the place where I am today. I hope I can thank the professors that played such a key role in helping me form and shape my views on God, education, theology, and how I fit into this vast cosmos.

I seriously hope that what I'm wearing will be the last thing on my mind on Friday night...and if it's not, I just might need to be humbled by some well-placed toilet paper!!!

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