Thursday, August 1, 2019

I Am Sufficient

I think this is a beautiful verse and picture for this new month of August. I have always loved this verse. Chapter 12 is where the Apostle Paul discusses his “thorn in the flesh”. He doesn’t tell us what the thorn is, but he makes it very clear that this trial was for his good and God’s glory. Notice that Paul is quoting the answer he received from God. Paul prayed fervently for the thorn/trial to be removed. God’s answer was “No.”  Instead, God promised to be with Paul and that His grace would uphold Paul. God reminded Paul that He was enough! And then there's that word “sufficient”. This is a great commentary on that word:
My grace is sufficient for you.” Redpath explains this aspect best: “Do you see the humor of the situation? God’s grace: me. His grace sufficient for little me! How absurd to think that it could ever be any different! As if a little fish could swim in the ocean and fear lest it might drink it dry! The grace of our crucified, risen, exalted, triumphant Savior, the Lord of all glory, is surely sufficient for me! Do you not think it is rather modest of the Lord to say sufficient?”
And so, as we step into a new month, may we do it with full confidence, knowing that God is with us and He is enough!