Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Never, in the history of this blog, have I had as many "hits" as today! (A "hit" is just blog jargon for how many people read the blog.) Our happiness spread like wildfire and I am humbled by the many, many people that have emailed me. Thanks so much for sharing in our joy...and hanging in there with me when my weary heart despaired! I even learned a new symbol: \0/
Can you tell what it means? It's me praising God for His unfailing love! Cute, huh?
I was also surprised that so many people didn't know what an Ebenezer is...and even MORE surprised at how many actually thought of Scrooge! You people are so funny!!!
Bill went in to talk with his boss today. They have a new contract and asked him to report to work on Monday. This contract will be good for at least 6 months and possibly longer. They have always wanted to hire Bill as a direct employee rather than as a contractor, but until the firm gets more steady work, it's just not possible. Needless to say, we are just thankful that he is working again.
I had so much fun at work this morning. We made our own play dough. Homemade play dough is identical to the store stuff except it has no color; it's just kind of a sickly, pasty white. Well, we added food coloring and carefully created all the layers of the earth (crust, mantle, core, etc.). I still have green and blue skin from all the kneading and rolling, but our projects turned out great...should have had my camera!

That's it for now...time for bed!!! \O/ :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its so neat to be reading your blog again.My computer crashed and its been in the repair shop for a week.I received a virus and couldnt be eliminated untill my repair guy buried it.Having one at my disposal sure beats taking it to the GEEK SQUAD and taking a mortgage out on my desk top.While mine was in the repair shop i went to the library to use their computer JUST TO READ your blog and making it a pleasant day and knowing that you were smiling again & it was going to be a good day once again.SEE prayer does work and prayers do get answered sometime very slowly
Keep on blogging and Stay Happy