Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Blog Ignored

My poor little blog...I've been ignoring it. Intentionally. I just haven't had much to say. Plus, I've been trying to get over my bronchitis. Today I returned for a follow-up visit to the Dr. Her eyes got as big as saucers when she walked into the room declaring, "WOW! You don't even look like the same person!" That pretty much sums it up on how I feel...I am doing so much better than last week at this time. It truly amazes me ...this whole healing process.

Meanwhile, I've been busy teaching. Every job requires a switch in gears. I think I need to oil my gears! Today I went from discussing "Tectonic Plates", to making "Castle Cakes", to teaching Algebra (which, if word got out to my junior high teacher, Mr. Broekhuizen, has the potential to give him a stroke or a heart attack!) to teaching the ABC's and playing "Go Fish" to reading "Junie B. Jones and the Stinky School Bus".

On the way to work, I've been listening to a series by Chuck Swindoll on the life of David. For the last two days he has talked about a time in David's life when David was a "Carnal Christan". I haven't thought about that term for many years. I first heard this term back in high school when the "Four Spiritual Laws" by Campus Crusade was a popular tool for sharing the gospel. Today that concept has caused me to question if one can be carnal and a Christian. What do you think? Let me know. I also posted my query on Facebook and I'm wondering if I'll get a response.
A few minutes ago I was paging through a book and out fell a little ceramic heart. It was given to me years ago on Valentine's Day by Marge Cooper, the mother of my dear friend, Judy Cooper Olsen. It was one of the few treasures I found in our Katrina rubble. Think I'll send her a quick email...

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