Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring Cleaning and John G. Whittier

Recognize this handsome man? This is John Greenleaf Whittier. If you want to read about his interesting life, "google" his name. He was an American poet that lived during the 1800's - the same time as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. In fact, Whittier was very involved in the abolitionist movement and tried, in vain, to get Emerson and Longfellow involved.

I loved my stint as a high school English teacher, and my favorite class to teach was American Literature. I learned about this man mostly from my English professor at Trinity, but I truly came to appreciate Whittier when I taught my American Lit. students about him.

One of the interesting facts about his life is that he tried to run for Congress. When he failed, he had a nervous breakdown. And he was not even 25 years old!

So why am I thinking about him today? Because I got my car washed! Well, that's a bit of a stretch is what many of you must be saying right about now, but hang in here with me...

It's Spring, right? And most of us do "Spring Cleaning" in the Spring, right? Well, I'm attacking our home - inside and out - with great gusto. I've been throwing out clothes and shoes that are no longer worn and getting them ready for the neighborhood garage sale (on April 10 just in case you are interested!).

And cleaning really, really feels good, doesn't it? My whole state of being seems calmer when my little corner of the world is in order. I think this is true of most of us. That's because were are made in God's image and the Bible speaks of God as being a God of order rather than chaos.

And when I cleaned out my car and had it washed, it REALLY made me feel good!!!! I mean, even my rims are shiny again!!! Ahhh...sweet tranquility and peace have been restored to the Schulting home! I guess you could say, as my friend Whittier said so long ago, my mind has been reclothed and once again my ordered mind can confess the beauty of HIS peace!!

“Dear Lord and Father of mankind,

Forgive our foolish ways!

Reclothe us in our rightful mind;

In purer lives Your service find,

In deeper reverence, praise.

Drop Your still dews of quietness

Till all our strivings cease;

Take from our lives the strain and stress,

And let our ordered lives confess,

The beauty of Your peace.”

Written by John Greenleaf Whittier

167.mp3 Click here to sing the hymn version

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