Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Nine years ago today my father passed away. While I have many memories of his life, I will always hold the memory of his passing as a very sacred time. It was an early Saturday morning. My sister Karen urged me to wake up and come to my father's bed. My mother, my sisters, and I all stood around his bed and watched him take his last breath. I gently placed my hand on his leg and could feel his pulse. I kept my hand there until slowly the pulse was gone. My mother's first words were, "Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!"
I'm certain each of us had our own thoughts as we stood there, silently, gazing at my father and trying to take in all that had just taken place. Different people, different thoughts, but I think all of us would say that there was something very sacred about that moment.
Dad had been sick. He knew his death was imminent. He had shared with us what he wanted included in his "Celebration Service" and how the obituary should be worded. He was adamant about one word. He didn't want his obituary to say that he "flew to the arms of his Savior"; he found that idea of "flying" to be rather repugnant. He wanted to use the word "translated". He wanted people to know that he didn't cease existing; rather, he was "translated" into Glory.
Translated...not a word we use very often when referring to death. But it really is a most beautiful and exquisite way to view the passing from this life to the next. The dictionary states that "translated" is the process or result of changing from one appearance, state, or phase to another.
By insisting on using this one little word, he made it very clear that in no way was he ceasing to exist but just moving on to his "next state"...a much more glorious state!
Very few people are familiar with the following song...probably only people that grew up in the Christian Reformed church. And there in the poem is that word again...translated! And because of Jesus death and resurrection, I know that someday, I, too, will be translated and will join my father in praise and worship and adoration of the One that gave His life for me.

“Before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal.” Revelation 4:6

By the sea of crystal, saints in glory stand,
Myriads in number, drawn from every land,
Robed in white apparel, washed in Jesus’ blood,
They now reign in heaven with the Lamb of God.
Out of tribulation, death and Satan’s hand,
They have been translated at the Lord’s command.
In their hands they’re holding palms of victory;
Hark! the jubilant chorus shouts triumphantly:
Unto God, Almighty, sitting on the throne,
And the Lamb, victorious, be the praise alone,
God has wrought salvation, He did wondrous things,
Who shall not extol Thee, holy King of Kings?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Family Photos

While we were all together in Chicago, we had the opportunity to take some family photos. These were taken by a student from Trinity Christian College.

The Schulting Men

Grandma with David and Elise

Bill and I with Laura and Elise

Bill and his women

The whole family (except for Gina and Halbert)

Bill and I with all six children

Bill and I

Can't believe we are finally all together!

A wonderful father with his six incredible children!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Praising Palms and Swollen Nodes

I hope you all had a peaceful Palm Sunday. For Christians, this is the beginning of an important week that leads us from cheering crowds to jeering crowds, and then to the joy of Easter. One thing I never thought about before is the fact that it was a donkey that Mary rode to Jesus' birth and it was a donkey that Jesus rode just days before His death. Here a just a few other thoughts:

(1) So far as we know, Jesus never rode a donkey before. Prior to this day, he always walked with his disciples. He ate and slept and sweat in their midst. Often he drew apart from them for prayer, but he never expected any special privilege. Now he sends them to fetch a donkey for him to ride. Why?

(2) Entering the city on a donkey's colt was a simple way to symbolize the truth that Jesus did in fact come as king. He accepts the title, and he accepts the people's praise. He remembered that when Solomon became king after David, he rode his father's favorite mule during the inaugural procession into the royal city of Jerusalem (1 Kings 1:33). Now, a far greater "son of David" rides triumphantly into the city of kings in similar fashion.

(3) A conquering king would have ridden into the city on a fearsome warhorse, or in a gilded chariot, but Jesus rode on the back of a donkey. While he accepted the title of "king," he refused to become the military messiah that the people--even his disciples--wanted.

(4) Jesus had specified that the donkey was to be a young colt that had not been ridden. This suggests the sacred aspect of his journey to Jerusalem. Only animals that had never been used as beasts of burden could be considered suitable for sacred purposes (Num. 19:2; 1 Sam. 6:7). The unridden animal's willingness to bear Jesus also says something about His power. Jesus is not only a king--He is a divine king. This is not a political occasion, but a sacred one.

I find it sad that I neither saw nor heard any reference to Palm Sunday until about 7:30 this evening on the radio. Lots of Easter candy, but nothing about what Jesus did on the cross.

On another note, I've been tending to a sick husband the last few days. Last week he noticed one side of his face felt a little swollen and it was somewhat tender. He went to the doctor and is on antibiotics. He has also been to the hospital for a soft tissue ultra-sound. The radiologist told Bill that it looked benign and was probably an infected lymph node. Everyday it has grown in size and today he was quite uncomfortable. It even hurt to put his glasses on! Off to the doctor again if this persists.

This is kind of what poor Bill is feeling right now!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring Cleaning and John G. Whittier

Recognize this handsome man? This is John Greenleaf Whittier. If you want to read about his interesting life, "google" his name. He was an American poet that lived during the 1800's - the same time as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. In fact, Whittier was very involved in the abolitionist movement and tried, in vain, to get Emerson and Longfellow involved.

I loved my stint as a high school English teacher, and my favorite class to teach was American Literature. I learned about this man mostly from my English professor at Trinity, but I truly came to appreciate Whittier when I taught my American Lit. students about him.

One of the interesting facts about his life is that he tried to run for Congress. When he failed, he had a nervous breakdown. And he was not even 25 years old!

So why am I thinking about him today? Because I got my car washed! Well, that's a bit of a stretch is what many of you must be saying right about now, but hang in here with me...

It's Spring, right? And most of us do "Spring Cleaning" in the Spring, right? Well, I'm attacking our home - inside and out - with great gusto. I've been throwing out clothes and shoes that are no longer worn and getting them ready for the neighborhood garage sale (on April 10 just in case you are interested!).

And cleaning really, really feels good, doesn't it? My whole state of being seems calmer when my little corner of the world is in order. I think this is true of most of us. That's because were are made in God's image and the Bible speaks of God as being a God of order rather than chaos.

And when I cleaned out my car and had it washed, it REALLY made me feel good!!!! I mean, even my rims are shiny again!!! Ahhh...sweet tranquility and peace have been restored to the Schulting home! I guess you could say, as my friend Whittier said so long ago, my mind has been reclothed and once again my ordered mind can confess the beauty of HIS peace!!

“Dear Lord and Father of mankind,

Forgive our foolish ways!

Reclothe us in our rightful mind;

In purer lives Your service find,

In deeper reverence, praise.

Drop Your still dews of quietness

Till all our strivings cease;

Take from our lives the strain and stress,

And let our ordered lives confess,

The beauty of Your peace.”

Written by John Greenleaf Whittier

167.mp3 Click here to sing the hymn version

Friday, March 26, 2010

Math Anxiety

I teach math...sometimes. And I have to admit, the idea of ME teaching math is really quite scary. I was never good at math. I think it must me some "right brain/left brain" thing. I think it all began when I was an innocent little first grader. Mrs. Bice was my teacher. One day, as we were all working on our math worksheets, she walked up and down the aisles checking our work. Then she abruptly stopped at my desk. For some reason she felt the necessity to ask me (in a VERY LOUD voice!) if she needed to put mittens on my hands. Apparently I had one of my hands on top of the desk and from her vantage point it appeared that I was committing the deadly sin of counting with my fingers. My poor little 6 year old cheeks grew hot with embarrassment. When I became a teacher, I vowed to do my utmost to never make a student feel like I felt that day. I was not counting on my fingers!!!!! And so what if I was!!!!! Anyways, it has left me with a permanent case of math anxiety.

The other day I linked to a blog that my friend reads. The title of that day's entry was "God's Math". The author talked about the importance of "one". So often I will think, "Well, I only did it once", or maybe I get down over the fact that I only received one comment on a blog post that I thought to be quite profound.

The blogger proposed this scenario: suppose he was watching his two little girls while his wife went to the grocery store. His wife gets home and is greeted by little Janie, but doesn't know where little Mary is. Her husband calmly explains that while she was out shopping, he accidentally lost Mary. Lost Mary???? What are you, nuts???? Why aren't you looking all over for her??? Once again the husband is astonishingly calm as he replies, "Well, it's only one daughter that I lost. We still have another!"

Suddenly the concept of "just one" takes on a whole new look, doesn't it? And I think that is the kind of math that makes sense to God. He is always concerned about the one. He showed that best in the parable of the Lost Sheep...that shepherd could account for 99 sheep, but as long as one was missing, the shepherd would go out and search for that one. And the same is true for us. We are only one out of millions, but God cares for us and loves us as tenderly as if we were his only child.

And that reminds me of something I once saw about the value of one. Here it is:

To Realize The Value of One

(author unknown)

To realize the value of one year:
Ask a student who has failed a final exam.

To realize the value of one month:
Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of one hour:
Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realize the value of one minute:
Ask the person who has missed the train, bus or plane.

To realize the value of one second:
Ask a person who has survived an accident.

To realize the value of one millisecond:
Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hmmm....Can You Guess What I've Been Thinking About Today?

Lately I've been feeling "anxiety". I put this emotion in quotes because I'm not sure that is the exact word to describe me lately, but it's the best description that I have for right now. I don't know why I feel anxious. It might just be my ears! Unfortunately, they still not not quite right. Yes, they did do well on my recent trip...the plugs did make it possible for me to fly. But being on the ground continues to give me problems. I just don't hear very well...especially in large, enclosed areas like church or the mall. Bill tells me what a blessing it is that my ears bother me in the mall, put I am not some faint-hearted wimp and so I valiantly push on!!!!

Ok, so all this "blah, blah. blah" leads me to the heart of today's post. I'm going to post some pictures, and you see if you can guess today's theme.


If you guessed the word "bliss", then you are today's winner!!!

We just don't use that word much anymore, do we?

The dictionary describes bliss as supreme joy; utter contentment.

Today, I tried to think of different ways the word "bliss" is used today. First thing that came to mind? Hershey chocolates. Next thing? My favorite shampoo from a company called "Bliss".

But do these things really deserve this word? Do chocolate and shampoo really give utter contentment? Well, if you're like me, on some days, in shallow moments, maybe chocolate does offer utter contentment...but only for about 10 seconds.

So, why am I writing about this? Because this morning as I drove to work, that feeling of anxiety stated worming it's way into my mind. And then do you know what happened? I got a text alert via my phone notifying me that one of my friends made a post to Facebook. And here is the post:

...ah, the bliss of that glorious thought...

Seven little words. So simple, yet so deeply profound! And yes, THAT is supreme joy! THAT is utter contentment!

* Thank you, Leah! *

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Few Things From Facebook

I'm racing around and have no time to post, so this will have to suffice for now...

A few friends have posted some wonderful thoughts and a cute video on Facebook...too good not to share!

Only GOD can turn MESS into... a MESSage a TEST into... a TESTimony a TRIal into... a TRIumph a VICTim into... a VICTory. GOD is GOOD... all the time.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's Spring!!!

Today officially marks the first day of Spring!  I LOVE the Springtime in the South!!!  I savor these days when the humidity is still low and being outdoors is enjoyable.  David and I took a walk through the neighborhood and enjoyed the great weather! We even saw some duck eggs from our "friends" at the pond.
Back home again.  After seeing the beautiful flowers, our house is looking a little "BLAH"!  Maybe we can plant a few flowers today!

Chicago Surprise!

Here we are at Tiebel's Restaurant in Indiana.  I am standing next to Patti De Young Koopmans.  Patti was in my very first class that I taught in South Holland.  We reconnected via Facebook and she invited me to speak at the Bible League International Luncheon.  I spoke on Wednesday and again on Thursday and each day there were about 70 women in attendance.  I shared my "Katrina Story" with them and the reponses from the women were humbling and overwhelming.  I feel so blessed that I am able to share my story of God's unfailing faithfulness!
As I was waiting for my sister to arrive from Grand Rapids, suddenly more familiar faces appeared!  Two of my nieces from Grand Rapids drove in for the luncheon and completely surprised me!  I was soooo happy they came!  Kristie is on the left and Kathie is on the right.
 And here is Kathie's daughter, Keri!  Keri missed a day at Calvin College...had I known, I would have taken Elise with me (but she had a mid-term, so it's a good thing I didn't tempt her!) Kerri just got back from a trip to Spain and it was great to hear all about her adventures.
Here are all of my surprise guests...from left to right...Shirley, Nancy, Keri, me, Kristie, and Kathie.  What a FUN day!!!

A Few More Pics

I finally am able to post pictures again!  Here are just a few more from our Birthday Weekend in Chicago.  One was taken while I babysat for Little Bill.  He loves to play with play dough and he amazes me with what he spells.  He was very focused on the letters v, v and a.  I thought for sure he was trying to spell David, but he insisted that it was DVD!  His mind intrigues me.  Bill is "non-verbal", but so much is going on in his head!  He doesn't miss a thing!  That evening was also the first time I was able to get him to use some sign language with me.  He asked me to "Please open the Sprite"!

Bill is holding up a picture that Leilani made for her Grandpa.  She interviewed me about all of Grandpa's interests and finally decided to honor his Dutch lineage.  The picture features tulips and wooden shoes!  Nice job, Leilani!!!

Lily brought cupcakes for the party.  Bill LOVES soccer, so all the cupcakes have a soccer ring.

The gift "hit" of the party was brought by my sister, Nancy.  She filled a glass mug with 70 suckers and attached the sign "70 Sucks!"

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ahhhh...I'm Back Home!

Elise and I flew back to Houston last night...just in time to lose an hour! What's with this time thing? "Springing Ahead" seems to get harder with each passing year!
Anyway, I had an absolutely wonderful time in Chicago!

After Bill left on Sunday night, I was alone in the hotel room. I was sooooo tired, however, and slept away any feelings I may have had of feeling alone. The next day, Elise picked me up after her classes were done. It was her roommates birthday the day before, so I took the girls downtown for a little window shopping and birthday lunch.

When we returned to the college, Elise handed over the car keys and I drove to my friend Kathy's home. What a gorgeous home! She lives about three minutes away from the college. I had my own personal "suite" in her basement, and was free to come and was the perfect place for me to spend the week!

I was able to see several college friends and it was a special time to laugh about our past escapades and also catch up on what has happened in our lives since the Trinity days.

Here are a few more birthday pictures...

Hmmmm...having some technical difficulties with the pictures!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Bill's Birthday Bash!

Here I am, in Orland Park, Illinois, trying to catch -up on a few computer things that need my attention. But for now I have a few minutes to share with you the highlights of our trip to Chicago.
It all began with an unused ticket. I was planning to travel to Chicago in January for a Board meeting. My ears made it impossible to travel. Southwest is so good about making it easy to transfer an unused ticket to someone else, so I offered the ticket to Bill for his birthday. I thought it would be fun for him to spend a weekend away and visit with Elise. He didn't like the idea, so I came up with another plan. I suggested that David, Bill, and I all fly together to visit Elise. That plan was a hit!
After purchasing our tickets, I called the rest of the children to see if they could travel to Chicago and we could have a surprise party! I really thought this was a long-shot, but they made it happen!
On Friday afternoon, we left Houston and landed in Chicago @ 6:30. Elise picked us up and brought us to the hotel. I had found a GREAT price on Priceline for the Marriott near Midway and we were able to get five rooms together.
Bill was resting after the flight, when there was a knock on the door! There stood Leilani! Bill seemed confused. Then more people started streaming into the room...Ted, Little Bill, Tim, and Lilly. Bill was dazed and confused! We all went down to eat and enjoy dinner together.
I stayed upstairs to babysit Little Bill. He was in 7th heaven because Lilly bought new toys to fascinate him on this adventure away from home. Bill was really into the new playdough, when he suddenly bolted out of the room! WOW, that little boy is fast!!! He was in search of the pool!
I finally caught up to him, but then realized we were locked out of his room! On top of that, I had no clue what the room number was! Somehow, I was able to convince the desk that I needed a new key even thought I didn't know what room I was in! Lily came up and took over with Bill and I joined the rest of the family downstairs. Midway through the meal, Elise left to pick up Tony. His flight had been delayed, but he made it to Chicago by 8:30.
After the meal, Elise and her brothers had their own party at TGIF. Bill and I went to bed. Around 3am I heard a knock at the door! It was David. He had a horrible toothache. I grabbed my coat and keys and headed to the parking lot. I didn't have a clue where Elise had parked her car, so I kept clicking the button for the horn. I never heard anything. FINALLY, I spotted the car. I tried to unlock it, but nothing worked. It was then that I realized I had Bill's car keys! So, back up to the room, did a mad search for Elise's keys, and headed back outside. Thankfully, David and I found a 24 hour store where he could get some Ambosol for his tooth.
Tomorrow I will write about day two. Right now, I have to leave Panera and get ready for my talk. I am a speaker at a luncheon/fundraiser tomorrow. My sister and her friend are driving over and I'm looking forward to their visit. Later....

Tim and David re-unite

Leilani and Grandma

Greeting Ted

Hugging Leilani

Bill waiting patiently as the hotel clerk and I whispered about the rooms

Bill walking into the Marriott - without a clue as to what is about to happen!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sad Good Byes

Aren't these roses beautiful? They are from my GED student. Today was my last day with him. He has, to date, passed each test except for math. We want him to graduate with his friends, and that means he needs more teaching hours in order to take the math test by May. Well, my schedule is full to overflowing, so it was decided to find another teacher. Sniff! I have really enjoyed seeing this student blossom. He has been such a joy to work with, and so, this has been a sad day for me as I say good-bye to Jordan.
I am so thankful that this my vocation. I have met so many interesting children and their families over the years. And today, thanks to social networks like Facebook, I get to stay in touch with students from years past. In fact, that is how I received my invitation to speak for the World Home Bible League next week. One of my former students that I had when I was fresh out of college is one of my Facebook friends and she invited me to speak. I still picture Patti as a sweet 12-year-old with blond pigtails! Today, we both have daughters at Trinity!
How about you? Do you have a teacher that made an impression on your life?
Oh, and before I go, do you notice anything new on my blog? See the new little "Blog Followers" list? I would be most honored if you would sign your name to this! Thanks!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Life In The Recliner

Greetings from my recliner! Unfortunately, mine isn't placed at the edge of ocean like the one in the picture. Last night I woke up with horrible pain and thought I had a migraine. I sat in my trusty recliner and held ice to my head. Everything after that is quite vague...I slept on and off for most of the day. I think it might be related to my ears because I remain nauseous and dizzy, but I definitely feel better than I did earlier in the day!
And so, my sweet husband picked up my first meal of the day...a salad. I ordered it and he picked it up on his way home from work. When he walked through the door, he asked if he was my "ex". I was confused! Granted, I was REALLY out of it today, but I was quite certain that I hadn't done anything strange in the marriage department. Then Bill said, "When I picked up the salad, they asked for my name. They told me that there were no orders for 'Bill"; they did, however, have an order for 'X', so, I'm just wondering if I am your 'X'!"
Yes, are my "X-Man"! My hero! I am so thankful for this man! I can not BELIEVE he is turning such a BIG number next week! In his honor, I want to share a little bit about my "X".
Bill was born during a difficult time in Europe and especially difficult in the Netherlands. He remembers the Occupation as well as the sights and sounds of war. He remembers waking up to the neighbors talking about the Germans coming during the night and forcing all the teenage boys to follow them. He remembers, as a tiny little boy, looking up at a German soldier. He tells stories about not being able to take a bath. There was no hot water. People all helped each other find things to burn...wood, sticks, trash, anything to build a community fire. Then they were able to warm the water and wash clothes and wash themselves.
Bill shares very few stories about his childhood. He did however, share a new one just last week. I went over my retreat notes with him because he has such sound advice and keen insight when it comes to the Scripture. I told him what I was going to share from Isaiah 53...the part that states that there was nothing outwardly handsome about Christ. I told him I had a hard time with that concept because I have always pictured Jesus as beautiful. But I asked Bill if he thought that Jesus was not physically attractive in order that it would be His heart that drew people to Him. Bill agreed. Then He shared a little bit about his mother. She was a disfigured woman -she had a severely hunched back. Nothing to look at. But people were drawn to her. Everyone loved her. Bill told me that she thought of people that others took for granted. He said she often had tea waiting for the garbage men!
Bill inherited his kind, unassuming nature from his mother. Love you, Bill!

Monday, March 1, 2010

I've Popped!!!

Today at 2:30 I had tubes put into my ears. FINALLY!!! It was quite uncomfortable but nothing like the horrible pain I had earlier in this process. The Dr. said that I probably wouldn't hear really well and I do find that to be true. But he also said that A. I would not have problems flying and B. I can always have the tubes removed in the future. So, enough about my ears!
Last week I was incredibly focused on getting the Bible Study finished for the retreat on Saturday. I drove to Mississippi on Friday and stayed with a good friend. Another friend invited me over for supper and it was so relaxing and great to catch up on all the latest happenings.
The retreat started on Saturday morning at 9 a.m. From the minute I entered the doors of the church I felt so loved and appreciated. We had a WONDERFUL time learning more about the freedom we have in Christ.
We ended by 2 p.m. and I began the long drive back to Texas. Bill thought it would be a good idea for me to break up the trip and drive about 3 1/2 hours on Saturday. I was able to find a great hotel on Priceline. It was a newly renovated hotel and I had a King suite!!! The bed was heavenly!
Today begins the week-long countdown to my husband's 70th birthday! When I kissed him good-bye this morning, I reminded him that this was his last week to be young! He said, "Yep! Next week I will be MATURE!" What a guy! :)