Wednesday, October 20, 2010


WOW! That one word pretty much sums up the last seven days. As many of you know, my sisters and I were treated - yet, again - by our mother, to a cruise. One week ago today I flew into Ft. Lauderdale, and today I am flying back home. But I will be returning to Texas with a wealth of new memories, new pictures in my camera and in my mind of places I never thought I would see, and new friends that I probably will never have the joy of meeting again, but friends that have added to my joy!

I can't write very much right now, but I do want to share a video of just one of the entertainers that was on the ship with us. What a thrill to see Nicole Mullen up close and personal...she is so tiny!! But what a powerhouse!
Here she is, singing a song she wrote after reading the book of Job...


Kathie Verwolf said...

WOW, indeed! We LOVE that song at our house. Keri sang it in church a couple years ago and now everytime I hear it on the radio, I sing with it - and end up in tears! So glad you had a great time on the cruise. I can't wait to hear all about it from Mom and Grandma. Love to You!

Blah, Blah, Blah! said...

Oh, Kathie, it gives me goose bumps when I think back to when we heard her perform it LIVE!!! And to be surrounded by 900 other women, all declaring that we know our Redeemer lives!!! It was a little taste of heaven here on earth! Love you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It makes me smile to see you and your sisters and your mom having such a wonderful time.I'm sure your dad was smiling proudly as well shouting thats my family.I know he wished he could have been there with you all and indirectly he was because you are all reminded of him each time you get together because just like your Heavenly Father watches over us your dad is till doing the same.
Isn't it great to be a Christian Family

Blah, Blah, Blah! said...

Thanks, Henry...your words are so true! I'm sure each one of us, in our own way, was thinking of our Dad. He taught us many things, and at the top of the list was the importance of family. He always made sure we had wonderful family times together...and his legacy continues! It truly was a special time for the four of us!