Saturday, July 24, 2010

She Finally Bloomed!

It finally happened...Lois, the Corpse Flower, bloomed! All of Houston can finally breathe a deep, collective sigh of relief. Or not. Remember, this flower packs a wallop of a smell!

When Lois refused to bloom, the museum closed her to the public viewing for a little R and R. It worked, because this morning , there she was in all of! (Did I just made up a new word? It didn't show up on spell check.)

The gift store was selling t-shirts that said, "My friend went to see the corpse flower and all I got was this stinkin' t-shirt!"

One sort of sad/funny story was reported in today's news. If you've ever been to the Houston Museum, you may have toured the butterfly center. It's gorgeous. Many people have social events and even weddings at the Cockrell Butterfly Center. Well, one bride booked the center a year ago and today was her wedding. Only problem being, the corpse flower is on exhibit in the Cockrell Center.Yup! That flower is right smack dab in the same place as the wedding! Can you even imagine having a wedding with the smell of dead flesh wafting through the air? (Ohhh, I can hear the pundits minds beginning to come alive!) Ah, life! Ya just have to laugh sometimes, don't ya??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the butterfly center! I went to college at U of H. My sister was there watching Lois bloom - I was following it on hmns' website and tweeting about it like the rest of the world.