Sunday, July 18, 2010

John Piper

This is Pastor John Piper. He is a Baptist minister in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I am drawn to his words. Why? First of all, he is a Calvinist. He boldly preaches God's Word, not based on feelings but based on fact. Secondly, His style of writing appeals to me because he has a love of literature and the romance of words. His writing tends to run's not for the faint-of-heart. I really have to challenge myself to plunge deeper when I read his books. It often takes me a lot (!!!) longer to hash through something written by Piper. But, oh, it is so very worth it! He is also the author of one of my all time favorite quotes: God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. Today I was unable to attend church, so I read this devotion written by John Piper. I will post it here. Few of you, I imagine, will take the time to read it. It's long. It's deep. But trust me, if you are in need of solid encouragement, you will not be disaapointed...infact, you will be emboldened by the reality of what we have because of the God we love.

1 comment:

Alice said...

Sorry Joyce. I think that was the most negative, depressing devotion I've ever read! It presented all the wrong reasons to become a believer. It reminded me of a Middle Ages Catholic Church scaring the masses into 'believe or be lost'. Piper's God gives Satan more power just to scare people. Time to live and enjoy life girl, and not dwell on the "evils" of the past. Get out there and live your best life. The choices are yours.