Monday, June 28, 2010

Praying For Joni

Today, I want to share a very special person with you. Her name is Joni. If you don't know about her or her incredible testimony, please go to Joni and Today she underwent surgery for breast cancer. I hope you will take a moment to pray for her and her husband, Ken.

In other news, today was a busy, busy day for me. I taught two students in north Houston. Then I drove directly downtown - right across from Rice University - to teach two girls that are visiting from Czechoslovakia. What a charming area of Houston. The streets are lined with Live Oak trees and they brought back wonderful memories of Ocean Springs (our home for 24 years before Katrina moved us to Texas!).

While I was driving home, I got a text from a student that wanted a lesson ASAP, so I fit in one more class before calling it a day. This lesson was for a 7 year old boy. His daddy is serving in Egypt and the little boy was so proud to show me post cards of pyramids and a "REAL Egyptian coin"!

I've been asked to work with the Czech girls everyday this week, so I will miss my water aerobics and Bible study group. The girls are 14 and 15 and their aunt who they are visiting is really making this an awesome trip for the girls. Next week they go to Destin,Florida. After that she hopes to take them to Mexico! Today I taught them a new word - well, several new words - but the one they liked the best was "humid". They are learning a lot about that word while visiting Houston...the humidity capital of the universe!!!

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