Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Let's Hear It For June!!!!

June has finally arrived! In the heart of every child and also every teacher, there is an innate feeling of "YIPPPEEEE!!!" at the mere mention of "June"! June just seems to mean, "Yeah! I made it through another school year! Let summer begin!!" So, summer has officially begun for me! I am in the process of making a big "To Do" list so that I will be able to stay on track with productivity and not waste my precious days of "freedom!

Today was my "Let's Just Do Whatever" day.  I allowed myself a shopping outing today...the rest of the summer I really want to steer clear of any malls.  My goal is to not buy any new article of clothing from now until August.  For some of you, that might be easy...for me it's sort of like training a mosquito not to bite - I just don't know if it is even possible!  But I'm going to try!!!

In August, I hope to be in a new size because, yes!, I'm also resurrecting the diet and exercise program of last summer. I did well last summer, but slacked of during the school year. But I have two new gaols that I'm shooting for...my high school reunion is at the end of August and my sisters and mom and I are going on a cruise in October. So, I figure, IF I lose weight, I can celebrate a tiny bit by looking for sale clothes in August that I can take on the cruise AND to the reunion!

Tomorrow, I'll share a few more of my summer goals. Meanwhile, happy June everyone!!!!

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