Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Can You Help Me???

Can you help me? I am VERY computer naive. I know just enough to be dangerous~ LOL Anyway, I have had an inordinate about of people visiting this little blog from people world-wide. And what baffles me is that they all visit the same sight....the one entitled "More Unexpected Family Time" where I wrote about a colonoscopy. Can anyone out there tell me WHY this is happening? I don't know how people are hearing about this blog and why they keep visiting the same blog post. Am I on some weird site that tells people about this blog? Or is my poor blog being used for some type of strange activity??? If anyone can advise me about what in the world (and I do mean WORLD!!!!) is going on, PLEASE TELL ME!!!
Today we had some more unexpected family time. As many of you know, Bill has had a very erratic work schedule of late. While we are thankful for work when it is available, we really are in need of a job with consistent hours. Actually, my prayer is that Bill would be able to retire soon, that I would have a job that would be enough to cover our living expenses, and that we could sell our home and move back to Michigan. For many years, Bill resisted moving to Michigan, but of late he has finally had a change of heart. (Another answer to prayer! I NEVER thought he would want to move to Michigan...and believe me when I say I have suggested it often!) But I digress...Bill has days off right now so I thought I had better try to get him into the doctor before he gets called back to work. He just hasn't felt good lately. He has been so tired. He falls asleep at the drop of a pin....falls asleep in church, falls asleep while soccer is on, falls asleep if he just sits down for a few minutes. He has also been very thirsty and losing weight. Today was his doctor's appointment and he was told he has diabetes. We will find out more about this in the next few days, but right now he is on a pill - no shots - and will talk to the nutritionist at the hospital to understand how to keep his sugar levels stable and what to eat and not eat.
If you could, please pray for us as we work through this unexpected life change. Bill NEVER complains, so I'm sure he will face this new adventure valiantly. And if you live in Michigan, can you look for a condo for us and a job for me? THANKS!!!!!

1 comment:

Karen said...

We'll be watching and listening and praying.