Sunday, July 5, 2009

Gifts of Grace

Presents! Gifts! I don't care how old you get, it's still fun to receive a present. The Bible says it's better to give than to receive. The Bible also reminds us that God loves a cheerful GIVER. As we get older, it really does become fun to be able to give gifts...maybe just to give a gift to your grandchild for no other reason than that you are head-over-heels crazy about them. I think, however, that if we are honest, it still is fun to be on the receiving end.
I want to share with you the humbling experience that I had this week to be the recipient of an unexpected gift. As I shared with you a few days ago, a friend offered me an airline ticket which would enable me to attend the She Speaks conference in North Carolina. Well, when he looked into ticket information it became a little more complicated than he had anticipated. It involved me staying one day earlier and one day later than I had planned. This friend went the extra mile and gifted me with a hotel room AND a rental car. I was dumbfounded!! How do say thank you for all of that kindness?? It was very humbling. It also taught me something about gifts and giving and grace. All I can say right now is that it is very humbling to receive a gift of grace...a gift that you know you don't deserve...a gift that you receive with no strings attached.
My friend, the giver, has been a reflection of Christ to me. He has modeled for me the correct way to give a gift...graciously. Thank you, friend. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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