Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Please Don't Laugh!!! (Too Hard)

Welcome to TOO TIGHT TUESDAYS! This is my rather pathetic attempt to try to lose weight and be accountable in the process. This is my plan:

A few months ago a store was going out of business and I spotted a cute white jacket. The original price was $80.00, but now it was drastically reduced. My final price was $8.00. That's a good example of my frugal Dutch heritage (Plus, I had a coupon! Further evidence of my Dutch bloodline!) The only problem was that the jacket was 4 sizes too small. So I bought it with this goal in mind: Take a picture in the jacket every week until the jacket fits. Then I had the bright idea to post the picture on my blog every Tuesday. This way, I can put myself out there for all the world to see. And I really mean ALL the WORLD to see! People from Iraq, Afghanistan, Nova Scotia, South Africa, Hawaii, Holland, Russia , and other countries have been popping in to read my blog. I don't know who they are, but I can use all the encouragement I can get!

And so, without further ado, here is the first installment of TOO TIGHT TUESDAYS:

Hurry and take the picture before the seams explode!

The arms are so tight, I can't even hold them next to my side!

Okay, okay, ya'll can stop laughing now!!! (And I know who you are!) At this point, I feel a bit like a stuffed sausage...I mean, this jacket is T I G H T !!!!!

So there you have it...I've put myself in a very vulnerable position and I would appreciate your encouragement as I begin my 843rd journey into Diet Land. Maybe this time, with your help, I'll make it!!


nancy said...

I'll just have to take your word for it that the jacket is soooo tight!!. On the picture it it is hard to tell.... Nice Jacket!!! I want to encourage you by something I just read during my devotions today."Our body is the temple for God's spirit. It is the vehicle that is designed to carry your spirit to the end of the race. If you do not care for the temple you will not have the energy or the time on earth neccessary to perform and fulfill your purpose and destiny" PRESS ON!! Love and Prayers Nancy xoxoxoxo

Blah, Blah, Blah! said...

Thanks, Nancy! Just the words of wisdom I needed to hear! Love you!

Anonymous said...

You look fantastic already! The jacket looks like it fits, now I may need glasses! Maybe you should consider writing a book on "How to get the most for your money (and coupons)" What a deal! Keep up the good work!
hug, Alice

Blah, Blah, Blah! said...

Thanks, Alice!!