Saturday, January 10, 2009

Wedding Memories Put To The Test

May Your unfailing love rest upon us, O God,
Even as we put our hope in You.

When Bill and I were married, over 25 years ago, this was the verse that we placed on our invitations. This was also the verse that John De Vries preached on at our wedding. We used to have the ceremony on video (we lost it to Katrina), and every anniversary we would dust it off and take a trip down memory lane to that hot, humid night in June so long ago.

Times have changed, styles have changed, but God's word has remained steadfast and unchanging. Many, many times over the past 25 years Bill and I have quoted that verse. We have prayed that verse back to God, pleading for His help through uncertain days and sleepless nights.

Once again we draw strength from this verse. This past week Bill was called into his boss's office. He was laid off - effective immediately. Like thousands of other Americans, we now face a very uncertain future. But we cling to the knowledge that God is sovereign - and that He is FAITHFUL. He has never left us alone, and we know He will continue to walk with us during the days ahead. We covet your prayers on our behalf - that Bill will find work and that God will continue to meet our physical. emotional, and spiritual needs.

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