Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Did you all hear me shouting praises of thanks today? Bill called me around 11:45 with the wonderful news that he received a job! Once again we thank God and stand in awe of His loving faithfulness. During this particular "trust walk" with my Shepherd, He taught me something new about "goodness and mercy". Psalm 23 says, "Surely, goodness and mercy will follow me...". God taught me that I've been lookin' in the wrong direction! All these years I've been squinting into the future hoping to get a glimpse of goodness and mercy. Today I get it, I think. God kept telling me, "Joyce, don't panic...keep your eyes on the Shepherd. He's ahead of you. Keep your eyes on Him." But God, I'm scared! How are we going to make the house payment? And what about insurance? What if I end up in the hospital? Or get in an accident? How will we afford the medical bills? And how about groceries and gas money and college tuition and.... "Joyce! Keep your mouth shut and your eyes on Me!"
So, as I was busy pleading for God's goodness and mercy, they were there all the time, I just forgot where to look. Now, as I look back, there they are! Clear as a bell! I don't even have to squint to see them!
It's just beginning to dawn on me that I am a SLOW learner! I am, however, also beginning to realize that this journey here on earth doesn't get any easier, but my confidence in the Shepherd is growing - not because I'm any stronger or wiser - but because He is so trustworthy and faithful. He keeps proving Himself over and over and over again to this thick-headed stubborn little lamb!
Thank you, Father, for providing a job for Bill!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN!!!!! We are so thankful along with you!! You are not the only stubborn lamb you know! There are alot of us! praise the Lord He doesn't give up on us!! Much love, Nancy