Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Our oldest daughter was worried about me. She said I hadn't written on my blog or on Facebook for a while. Well, now you know why! Quite honestly, Bill and I are in a state of shock and we are still trying to process this unexpected news. We hope you will understand now, why you haven't heard from us and why we are laughing so hard because....... it is April Fool's Day!!!!

Sorry, I couldn't resist! Here's two cute April Fool's Day pranks that were played on tv. The first one is a classic. It was first shown on tv in 1957. This has always been one of my favorites.

And here's a newer prank that appeared on tv.

Happy April Fool's Day everyone!

1 comment:

Henry said...

I loved your April fools day joke
I'm quite sure from your note and photo that YUP She has gone off the deep end and did and done it WHATS NEXT would be the next question