Saturday, February 13, 2010

The King and I

I was asked to send in a little write -up about the retreat I will be conducting in two weeks. This is what I sent in...

The King and I

Did you ever hear the story about the woman that was shopping at the mall? Apparently, she returned to her car, left the parking lot, and was enroute to her home when she noticed something startling. It seemed that someone was following her every move. Scared, she decided to see if maybe it was just a coincidence.

She turned right, he turned right. She got on the Interstate, he got on the Interstate. She got off at Exit 74, he got off at Exit 74. Her heart pounding, her mind filled with anxiety, all she wanted to do was return home, but she knew she couldn’t risk having this stranger know where she lived.

In desperation, she drove to the next gas station, parked as close to the building as possible, and ran inside. Finally she was around other people and she would not have to confront this stranger by herself. But the stranger never followed her inside. Instead she saw him exit his car and walk to her car. To her surprise, the stranger opened her back door and pulled out a man!

Apparently, this stranger had seen this man enter her car just seconds before she got in her car. He had no choice but to follow her and make sure she was safe. The woman shuddered at the thought of what could have happened if this kind stranger hadn’t kept a vigilant eye on her.

Well. I don’t know if this story is what is known as an “Urban Legend” or not, but I do know that when it comes to my walk with Christ, I am a lot like the lady in the car! I can be off doing my own thing (probably shopping at the Mall like the lady in the story!), when I realize God is following me. I’m doing things that are not glorifying to Him, so it really disturbs me that He is following my every move. When I finally stop, He reveals the danger that was lurking perilously close to me; danger of which I was completely unaware.

Throughout my life, I have come to realize how easily these “things” can hold me captive; things like pride, or legalism, or idolatry that subtly slide into my life and rob me of the joy and freedom that Christ desires for me to experience. Thankfully, like the stranger in the story, my Savior relentlessly pursues me and rescues me from traveling too far down the path of destruction!

In our time together, we are going to look at things that hold us captive. Maybe it is a wound from childhood, maybe it is a secret that we have been carrying for years, maybe it is depression, or low self-esteem, or a gnawing feeling that maybe we aren’t really saved. Whatever it is, Christ desires to cut off the chains that are holding us back from an abundant and victorious life.

In our first session will look back at some of the kings of Israel just prior to the captivity of Judah. What was going on with their leadership? Why did the Israelites have to be carried off to some foreign country and live away from their beloved homeland? Our second session will look at the many ways our lives parallel the Old Testament Kings and the people they ruled. We will conclude the day with the many ways that Christ, our King, desires to woo us to a place of contentment and peace as we surrender to Him.

And here is your first homework assignment! I would like you to challenge yourselves to memorize Isaiah 61: 1-4. Hey, I can see you! Don’t you make those funny faces at the thought of having to memorize some verses! Make it fun! Find a buddy to keep you accountable. Call each other and recite to each other over the phone! Or better yet, go out for lunch together as your reward for learning all four verses! And your second assignment is to pray. Pray that God will bless us with His presence as we study and apply His truths to our lives. Perhaps you are like the lady in the story. Maybe sin lurks in your life in ways that you are not even aware of. Ask God to tenderly bring those areas into the light and to enable you to work through areas that keep you in bondage. And please pray for me as I prepare for our time together. Pray that God will keep me safe as I drive from Houston to Biloxi. And please pray that I will speak only His words with boldness and clarity, for His glory!

Looking forward to a wonderful time with all of you wonderful ladies!

1 comment:

Rachel Olsen said...

Hi Joyce. I really enjoyed your love devotional about Listening for Your Song! Beautiful.

But wanted to let you know that at the bottom of the post all the text becomes jibberish looking code we cannot read, and we aren't able to comment there. Hope you can get that straightened out.

Blessings ~ Rachel