Thursday, October 29, 2009

Child Protective Services

Want your heart to break? Go to the Child Protective Services website and look at all the children that are in need of a home.

I went there recently because a woman in our church was sharing with us the fact that CPS is now asking churches to help them. Because of the economic situation in our country, child abuse has risen, while the available homes for children has declined.

Did you know that when a child is taken out of their home because of abuse, if there is no available foster home, the child has to sleep in the CPS office until he/she can be placed? I was appalled! A friend of mine who has adopted several children from CPS said, "Oh, yeah! It happens all the time! The little girl we adopted was only 5 months old and had to stay in a car seat all day in her caseworkers office until she was placed in our home."

I am in the talking stages with our church to begin a small ministry to the caseworkers. If they get a call to take a child out of a home immediately, our church is a place they can call if they need diapers, formula, toothpaste, shampoo, p.j.s, clothes, etc.

If I could, I would take all of these children home to live with me! One little boy that is looking for a "forever home" had this write up under his picture: M longs for a family. He does well in school and loves sports. Despite the fact that all of the toes on one foot have been amputated due to abuse, M still has the will to play football with his friends...

Who would do something that cruel to a child? Please join me in praying for these children. Maybe you can think of ways you and your friends could be of help to these precious little ones and also to their caseworkers. The caseworkers have such huge work loads. I think there is a ministry in writing them, encouraging them, and praying for them as they go into a real life battle zone everyday!

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