Saturday, February 5, 2011

Oh WOW!!!

I've been cleaning. It is mind boggling how much "stuff" I am able to hoard! There is a new show on OWN (Oprah's new network) where a man helps people discover the "why" behind all their stuff. I guess it's rather has me cleaning out things that I should have gone through five years ago!

One of the bags I went through was full of mud-encrusted jewelry that I salvaged from the aftermath of Katrina. Even with all the dirt, it was very apparent what was the "good stuff". The chains were broken and knotted, but they glistened and proudly showed off that they were, indeed, gold!

The pieces were of no sentimental value to me, so I had Bill go to the "Gold Store" to see if they would buy the gold. They did!!! He just came home with $83.00!

WOW!! Once again, I know this will be filed away for a good illustration at one of my talks or in my book...but that's for another day. Right now I have to clean some more!

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