Monday, December 20, 2010


This morning the house is so quiet. I love this time of day. It's my private time to "ponder". I thought about the upcoming days. Such a busy time of year. Seems the whole world is "expecting". Expecting what? Presents? Family time? Lots of food? As I thought about the word "expecting", this hymn came to mind. Love the old hymns! So full of theology.
Come, Thou long expected Jesus
Born to set Thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us,
Let us find our rest in Thee.
Israel’s Strength and Consolation,
Hope of all the earth Thou art;
Dear Desire of every nation,
Joy of every longing heart.

Born Thy people to deliver,
Born a child and yet a King,
Born to reign in us forever,
Now Thy gracious kingdom bring.
By Thine own eternal Spirit
Rule in all our hearts alone;
By Thine all sufficient merit,
Raise us to Thy glorious throne.

Jesus, whether the world realizes it or not, You truly ARE the hope of all the Earth! May You be my dear desire.

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