Thursday, November 4, 2010

Waiting (and waiting, and waiting some more!) For The Shuttle

Today's post is for my sister Karen and her husband, Harv, who are stuck in Florida, waiting for the shuttle to launch. Harv has always wanted to witness a launch, so he is the proud owner of one ticket that will allow him to see the launch up close and personal. Another thing he gets to cross off of his "Bucket List"!!! However, what should such an exciting time, has turned out to be a real test of patience. The shuttle keeps getting delayed. I can imagine the frustration! Harv, I
Hope the launch is soon!!! Can't wait to hear about it! (One less woulda', shoulda', coulda', right?)


Karen said...

Today, Friday it's on!! The OK has been given to fuel up the rockets. Harv must be there at 1pm and I'm planning to watch from the beach near our motel. Check out time is at noon, so I'll be there for the duration with lawn chair, knitting, book and green tea. Hope it really goes!

Karen said...

We gave up. Launch has been scrubbed until late Nov or early Dec. We just helped the economy in Eastern Florida!! We're back in Naples, packing for Michigan.