Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lessons From Good Friday Still Sound Good on Tuesday

I remember in 2008 the feeling I had when I began this blog...so many doubts that I had to overcome. So many questions. What in the world will I write about? What if my writing stinks? What will people think when they see all of my grammatical errors? I vividly recall the feeling of just plugging my nose and diving in...diving in to this unknown world of blogging.

I took some time out of the pond that I jumped into, and todayas I stand here, holding my breath, ready to leap back in, I feel riddled by those same questions. Once again, I find myself needing to just take the plunge! So, here I go......

These past weeks have been very busy. I don't spend much time on the computer or on Facebook. I eat, work, sleep and try my best to keep things "together" for David and me. Needless to say, we miss Bill tremendously.

Since my last I've had many new adventures. My precious student, Kholoud, had a baby boy! Her husband called to tell me that she wanted to talk to me on the phone. Talking on the phone is very difficult for my ESL students. Kholoud managed three words, "I miss you!"

I have another new student from Saudi Arabia. Her name is Norah. She is 19 and a newly-wed. She doesn't want grammar lessons; she only wants English conversations. She's a lot of fun and I am always amazed that we can fill up a two hour lesson by just talking! She wants me to show her different places in Houston. How fun is THAT??!! Last week I introduced her to TJ Maxx! In public she is covered head to toe, but underneath her "protective gear" she is very stylish. She has a beautiful laugh and I'm enjoying my time with her immensely. She just completed her studies to get an American driver's license. In her homeland women are not allowed to drive, so she is thrilled with her new-found freedom!

This year, our Easter season hit me in a very profound way. From Maundy Thursday to Ressurrection Sunday, I found myself so close to my Saviour's side. He taught me so many things and opened up my heart and eyes to receive new lessons about the depth of His love. Never have I been so in awe of His atonement for my sins.

For some reason, I was mesmerized by these three words Jesus spoke on the cross - It is finished. They keep resonating in my mind. They have been a precious love letter to me - almost as if He had said the other three words we all love to hear - I love you!

Here is my little story entitled, It Is Finished....

This is a phot of me when I was, oh, maybe three or four. I was naughty! (Even to this day, I can't get this little girl turned around - as evidenced in this photo!) I screamed when my mother tried to wash my hair or brush my hair or do anything to my hair. This was probably the last picture of me with long hair...the rest of my childhood my hair was VERY short. I was a climber. I could climb up to the top of the stove in order to reach the top cupboards where the cookies and treats were hidden. One time, I found my older sister's red lipstick and redesigned my mother's white sofa! I was awful!

I distinctly remember not liking the crust on my bread. I spent many hours sitting alone in my chair at the kitchen table simply because I was not allowed to get up until I finished ALL of my bread.

One day, I launched a plan! I would hide my crust under my plate. When mom asked me if I was finished, I said, "Yup! See? All gone!"

And what she did next astonished me! She lifted up my plate to reveal what I had not finished!

It wasn't until years later that I thought of that story and realized how silly my attempts were at hiding that crust. My plate must have been suspended in air and teetering atop all of that crust. And equally as silly was the thought that I could pull the wool over my mom's eyes.

Not so with Jesus. He was given an assignment and He finshed it...completely. He did what I couldn't do for myself. He lived a perfect life and died for my sins so that I can have a relationship with a holy God.

I often wrestle with my sins. I wresle with the horribleness and the shame of the things I have done. Last Friday, it was as if Jesus said directly to me, "It is finished. Joyce, it's done. It's paid for. Now live joyfully in my grace and love!"

This is the Greek form of "It is finished". It was also a term used by accountants. If something was paid for, the word "Tetelestai" was written on the bill of sale. So Jesus actually just said one word.

It's not said as a phrase of defeat. Jesus isn't saying, "That's done. I'm finished. I've been defeated." No, it was a triumphant shout of victory that Jesus whispered during His last moments before death. The work that He came to do - the job given to Him when God asked "Who will go?" and Jesus willingly replied "Send me!" - that job was accomplished. What depth of love! And because of His accomplished work on the cross, we have the hope of eternity. Never in heaven will we hear the words, "It is finshed"! Never will God say to His children, "Ok, you've enjoyed your time here for the last 834,096,254 years, but now it's finished!" No, His children stay with Him forever...all because of the finshed, completed work of Jesus. A work that I could never complete. And that's just a glimpse at of some of the things I've been pondering...


nancy said...

YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 SHE'S BACK!!!! I am so glad you dove back in!! I know how busy you have been and all the changes you have had to go thru again but you just have so many insights and such a gift for sharing them!! Please keep swimming!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!xoxoxo

Karen said...

How wonderful to hear/read you again. Missed you. Kare