Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sore Back, Sore Knee

This is so embarrassing! I'm sitting here in the recliner with heat on my back and ice on my knee. I'll shift the hot and cold around when I finish this post. Why am I so battered and bruised? Because I tried to get into a bathing suit. Go ahead...laugh...I'll wait.
I tried on a bathing suit that was, oh, maybe ten sizes too small! Common sense would have told me it was too small. Common sense should have prevented me from even attempting. Common sense should have screamed at me, telling me to stop when I couldn't pull it to my knees. But no! Feeling particularly feisty and unstoppable, I was determined to wedge my body into that suit! Note to self: Pick more noble battles!
So, here I sit, with throbbing back and knee. Placing myself on the altar of fashion was not too bright!
And in other news, I have another new student. That's two in two days! And I just got a call from a women to possibly teach English to her nieces that will be in our country for three weeks. Sounds interesting.
And lest you think I only did "dumb" things today, I want you to know I also attended a diabetes class at the hospital today with Bill. He has a device on that will monitor his glucose readings every five minutes for the next four days. We learned a lot .
Time to refresh the ice...(sigh).


nancy said...

oh!! oh!! oh!!! So did you buy the suit? LOve ya!!

Anonymous said...

i'm still waiting for too tight tuesday to shrink.What happened did you trade it in for a new bathing suit?