Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Great Way To Begin A Workout!

Elise surprised me when she came into my room this morning. It was time to go to water aerobics and I didn't think she would get up on time (being Saturday AND she was out late the night before)...but there she was...a little sleepy, but ready to take on the day. So, "carpe diem" we did! We got into her car and drove to the pool. All of our cute little Seniors were waiting for us and happy to see us. Elise started her descent into the water , when suddenly she shot around, screaming, "Oh MYLANTA!!!" All the other ladies started to run towards the steps, too! Finally I figured out that there was a snake in the pool with us. The handsome lifeguard that we all have a crush on found a net and let the snake go off on his/her merry way...away from the pool. Our hero!!!!

What a perfect way to start our workout and get our heart beat up! I also thought it was rather symbolic because today marks the 35th anniversary of the movie, "JAWS"! Scenes from our water aerobics class could have appeared in that movie...that little snake cleared the pool just like Jaws made the beach-goers clear the water.

Now it's time for me to decide what to make for our church potluck tomorrow. Every month we have a theme and in honor of Father's Day, our lunch will feature "Foods My Dad Likes". I know what I would have fixed, but now I have to learn new favorites for Bill that fit into our new diabetic lifestyle. I think I'll make a REALLY good salad.We've been having some trouble getting his glucose down...his numbers continue to remain too high. But slowly on we are feeling more confident about how to test his blood, what/when to eat, etc. Well, time for me to look up some good diabetic treats on the web!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sour Kraut being essentially pickled cabbage would probably have a really great glycemic index.