Saturday, July 25, 2009

A New Day

I LOVE new days! The past is the past and there's a brand new clean slate to write on! While I have been under a lot of stress recently - trying to figure out what to do about having no jobs and no money coming in to pay the bills - I have constantly been reminded, through family and friends, that I am right where God wants me to be. This is how one friend stated it:

Your feelings are normal. You are right where He wants you to a place of needing Him. The moment we think we have it all together is the exact moment we take our eyes off of Him.

So true! So, today I am going to practice silencing the jabs from the devil
(You're going down, girlfriend! Where's your so-called "God" now? Huh? Huh?) and focusing on the voice of God and His promises!
And I'm also counting the days until the She Speaks conference! One week from today I will be surrounded by women that all have the same desire in their hearts that I have had in mine for so, so many years. I am hitting the Psalms hard and heavy as I prepare and I'm amazed and thankful that HE Speaks (and that HAS to come before SHE Speaks! Do I hear an AMEN!!???)
So...I'm joyfully off to see what God has in store for me today! Hugs!

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