Thursday, July 16, 2009

Diversion and on to More Joyful Things

I received two wonderful comments to yesterday's blog entry. I sure love to receive comments. They motivate me. Anonymous reminded me that, thankfully, days like yesterday don't last forever. Alice, my friend from Amsterdam, reminded me of the importance of diversion.

Quite honestly, I haven't had much diversion in my life lately. My students are on vacation, so I'm not working right now. I've never been the "Domestic Diva" type, so washing and dusting doesn't get me too excited. I have been doing a lot of reading on various topics, and that has been enlightening. I have two goals for this summer, however.

  • One is to get involved with hospice care. I know I would enjoy being of help to families that are going through the trauma of dealing with a terminal illness. Hospice was so comforting to our family during my father's illness and I would love to extend that same kind of help and hope to other families.

  • My second goal is for Bill and I to visit the rehabilitation center in San Antonio where many of our service men and women are taken if they have been injured. It seems the least we can do for these young heroes that have endured so much.

And my new diversion for this evening is to begin reading my husband's book. Bill loves to write and he has actually published a book entitled, Planets, Ages, and Empires. I haven't read it at all, mostly because he is way too much of an intellect for me. I tried once, but couldn't understand the thesis, so I sort of gave up. Anyway, reading his book would really encourage him right now. He's usually a very upbeat, positive, "glass half full" kind of guy, but I can tell that not working is beginning to take its toll on him. And reading his book may give me more things to write on this blog, and then YOU will want to go to Amazon and buy the book, and then he will become a rich and famous author and will finally be able to retire! YEAH!!


Nancy said...

Dear Sister Joyce, I feel so bad I haven't been making more comments! I know we all need encouragement when we are struggling!The diversion suggestion from Alice was great! You have picked 2 awesome diversions! (3 counting Bill's book) I feel bad for him too! I'm praying for you all! I know you have been thru lots of valleys but try to focus on all the blessings you have received going thru them and how YOUR SHEPHERD has been by your side and brought you thru them!! Attitude of gratidude is what I try to do in hard times.I love you dearly. Keep on keepin on!! xoxoxox BIG HUGS Nancy

Anonymous said...
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