Friday, April 16, 2010

Madea Gives Relationship Advice

Are you familiar with Tyler Perry? This is one of my favorite clips. It's long but full of some thought provoking ideas about relationships. If you can't watch the whole thing, skip to about the five minute mark where she/he talks about seasonal friends...something interesting to think about.


Anonymous said...

I like how God uses Tyler Perry to speak to us. In every play or movie (that I've seen), I've always walked away with more insight. Well worth the cost of admission.

Alice said...

What a hoot (s)he is! (S)he reminded me of the black version of me! Where did you find he(r)? We have a comedian like that in Holland too, he plays an auntie from Suriname. Same type of wisdom. It was a fun and wise way to end my day.