Saturday, April 25, 2009


I don't know much about windmills, but I've been able to see some in my travels throughout Holland. There are not as many as there once were. They are being replaced by turbine windmills. Janny, Bill's sister, took me an old grain windmill. We climbed the steep wooden stairs to the top and the owner showed us the millstone, the pulley system, and the steps for filling the sacks of grain. Here are my pictures of that trip, plus a few windmills that I saw in the country.

1 comment:

nancy said...

Dear Joyce !!!! The pictures are so awesome!! Can you really believe you have been able to see all that!!!!! As I write this you are probably in the air on your way home!! We are praying for safety and an awesome reunion I'm sure Bill really missed you !I'm so glad you were BRAVE enough to go all by yourself!! We are in Va beach now and it is awesome summer temps. Yesterday it was 90!! We are right on the beach! Love you mucho,.... More Later Nancyxoxoxox