Monday, April 20, 2009

Doorn Huis

Doorn Huis

On Saturday we drove to Doorn. Alice lived here for 8 years while her husband was the director and curator of the Doorn Huis, the last home of Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany. Audrey Hepburn's mother spent most of her childhood growing up in this home. It was purchased in 1919 by the Kaiser for his resident-in-exile. He really hoped that one day he would be able to return to his country and to his former days of glory. Instead, he died at the home in 1941 and lies in a mausoleum which was built on the estate.

This is the Gate House.
Alice and her family lived here.

Intricate design on a gate

Alice and I with Kaiser Wilhelm II

Castle ruins Wijk bij Duurstede

Alice driving us around

Me at one of the many windmills I saw on Saturday

Same windmill...see the arch on the bottom that a car can drive through?
I took this to show the strange places one sees
the famous "Dutch Lace" curtains...these appear in the back of a van!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Very Cool! :0)