So why am I writing about these miners? Because thinking about them today has given me hope! Yesterday was a real downer. After months of unemployment, after countless hours in search of employment, Bill was called in for an interview! We began yesterday much like I did with my sisters in our hotel room - Bill and I were giddy with anticipation for what this new day might hold! We held hands and prayed, thanking God for this exceptional answer to our prayers! And then came a phone call. What we thought was an interview was not an interview at all...it was just a "headhunter" looking for resumes of the unemployed.
Hopes were dashed! I was teaching when Bill called me and told me what had happened. I wanted to cry. I wanted to melt into a puddle of self pity. But I couldn't. I had to hold it together...ALL DAY! I just had to "keep doing the next thing" even though I was feeling so low and sad and puzzled. I also had to trust. I had to trust that God continues to be in control.
And today I continue to trust. I have to focus on the knowledge that God is at work! Might not "feel" like it. But I KNOW that God is at work!
In other words, I feel a lot like those miners in the pit. This is what it was like for them:
After being trapped half a mile underground for 69 wretched days, they were brought to the surface one at a time in a cigar-shaped steel capsule that was only slightly larger in diameter than a grown man's shoulders are wide.
In a rescue process that combined the efforts of the Chilean government, NASA, a Pennsylvania drill company, and so many others, an ahead-of-schedule operation brought the men out in a flawless rescue operation. Each took the 15-minute journey to freedom from the longest underground entrapment in history.
From the pre-commercialized reports that have emerged so far, it seems clear that there was an early time of extreme fear and deep discouragement. In the first 17 days, the men huddled in an area no larger than 165 square feet. They had no contact with the outside and knew nothing of what was being done above ground to rescue them.
Reports say that some of the younger men in the group threw themselves on the ground and refused to get up. They appear to have resigned themselves to death. Then the first bore hole penetrated their tiny space, and hope soared. Bodies that had started eating muscle were provided with food, and tainted mine water was replaced with pure drinking water. Things improved dramatically.
In a rescue process that combined the efforts of the Chilean government, NASA, a Pennsylvania drill company, and so many others, an ahead-of-schedule operation brought the men out in a flawless rescue operation. Each took the 15-minute journey to freedom from the longest underground entrapment in history.
From the pre-commercialized reports that have emerged so far, it seems clear that there was an early time of extreme fear and deep discouragement. In the first 17 days, the men huddled in an area no larger than 165 square feet. They had no contact with the outside and knew nothing of what was being done above ground to rescue them.
Reports say that some of the younger men in the group threw themselves on the ground and refused to get up. They appear to have resigned themselves to death. Then the first bore hole penetrated their tiny space, and hope soared. Bodies that had started eating muscle were provided with food, and tainted mine water was replaced with pure drinking water. Things improved dramatically.
Yup! I can identify with those miners! Right now I'm stuck in the pit. I look like the guys in the picture...just looking up to the light and trusting that help is on its way! I don't know how. I don't know when. But I know that my God is at work. In Him I am secure.
Yes there is light at the end of tunnel.It maybe dim at times or shining very poorly but the light will prevail overagainst the darkness.When you least expect it wonderful things Do happen.Not right away and not when you want it to but His Might Makes It Right.What will occur will happen so be patient and not overbearing.I speak from experience since many of the same obstacles have crossed my way also.
So keep a smile on that snoot of yours and be patient.
Just Me
Why is it that the fact that a headhunter wanted Bill's resume/CV seems like a very positive thing to me? Aren't they the ones who start looking for you? put you out there? They get the companies who are searching for the right person don't they? or they look for those companies? I think this was a cup half full story. With a job interview you're not chosen yet, no is still close by, but with a headhunter it's like being chosen. I think this was a "Job" call, a call for patience. I know you must feel very despairing at times but I don't think you were anywhere close to what the miners we're going through. Big hugs of encouragement from me...
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