Can you see him? The lizard on the windshield? This happened to me on the way to work yesterday. I had just finished a session with a student that is preparing to take his GED test. My mind was swirling with the many things I had to do:
- sew David's pants
- pick up drycleaning
- buy baking soda and vinegar for the volcano experiment
- pick up rolls for church dinner
- get home on time to bring David to work
- look for cheapest place to fill up with gas
And suddenly, PLOP!! Out of nowhere flew this little lizard and he landed on my windshield! He slowly made his way to the left side of the window and we had a few eyeball-to-eyeball moments. I sort of was hoping he would talk to me like the little green guy on the Geico commercials. When I stopped for a red light, he hopped off.
I couldn't help but think of how often our lives feel like that little lizard. We are just plodding along, going where we need to go to get done what we need to do, and suddenly....out of nowhere, we are swept off of our feet! It can happen with something as simple as a change of plans to something big like an illness or death, but the result is the same. We are suddenly doing something we NEVER planned on doing, heading in a direction we never planned on going, and hanging on for dear life!! Have you ever had that happen?
When it happens, it's good to know the driver of the car on whose windshield you land! I'm so thankful that while interruptions may seem like a wild ride, they really are controlled by a God that is Sovereign and in control of ALL things.
Today I had a cute surprise waiting on my coffee table. I was dusting off a bowl of artificial fruit, when I noticed some teethmarks! I had to laugh. I knew exactly who had tried to bite the little friend, Mickalah
Mick and the "way too big pink dress"
Yes, that Mikalah is something else! I think I'll start calling your husband "Mr. Joyce" too!!!
looks like i owe you some new apples ?!? I bet she's thinkin' "I love going to Mrs. JOyce's house but you sure can't trust her fruit!" Hope you're having a good day. See you tomorrow.
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