Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'm Back!

Ewww! This is bad....very bad!!!! I have once again neglected my poor little blog. But I do have a good reason. The last time I made an entry, I was in Mobile. I flew back on Monday, March 9, and on Tuesday, March 10 I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with every "-itis" known to mankind! Bronchitis, sinusitis, and conjunctivitis to be exact. So I started a round of antibiotics, didn't feel better - in fact, felt worse! So I returned yesterday, convinced I had strep throat, but I may have pneumonia. They are loading me up with drugs - enough to perhaps single-handedly increase the value of pharmaceutical stocks!!! Anyway, if I don't improve, I am to report for a chest x-ray on Thursday and possibly be admitted to the hospital so I can get breathing treatments. I feel certain, however, that I will soon feel much better. I have to admit, though, the last few days (and especially nights!) have not been fun - kind of like a 2 ton elephant is sitting on my chest at all times. This is the first day that I have felt remotely close to sitting at the computer, so I know I'm improving! But I can also tell it's time to get back in bed, so I'll leave you with this interesting bit of kitchen wisdom...who knew peeling potatoes could be so easy!?!

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