Thursday, February 18, 2010

Being Transparent

Recently, those of you have been blog followers for awhile have noticed that I've been struggling. I often question if I should continue to write this blog. My reasons for stopping are a bit selfish, so I'll try to explain my train of thought...

If you've never written an online journal, it's kind of like revealing yourself and your thoughts and putting it out there for the whole world to read. And if you have looked at the recent map I've added to my main page, blogs really are read by the whole world! Never in my dreams would I have thought that I would have readers from Russia or Afghanistan!
Having said that, the downside is this: I put my thoughts out there, hoping you all will respond by leaving a comment. But that rarely happens. And when I don't get comments, I feel frustrated.
So there you have it...another "true confession" from me. Your comments would be greatly
appreciated. 'Nuf said 'bout that!
Now I'll share two kind of funny things that have happened this week with this blog.
  • Someone googled "Shepherds Ears" and stumbled over here. Why? Because one of my titles was "They Hear the Shepherd's Voice". So I tried it. I googled my title, and there was my little blog...right in the middle of articles about the ears of German Shepherds! It brought back to mind the Christmas when David was probably about 4 years old. I explained to him that he was going to be a shepherd in the Christmas play at church. When it was time for me to fit him for his costume, he had this puzzled/disappointed look on his face. He said, "I thought I was going to be a German shepherd!"
  • On Monday I wrote a post on God's love. It was for a "contest" of sorts for Proverbs 31 ministries. On Monday, I had almost a hundred women stop by to read my entry. Once again, I was so downcast that no one left a comment. Today, I figured out what happened...the place to place a comment was missing!!! A fluke? I don't think so! I think that might have been God's way of saying, "Write, my child. Don't concern yourself with getting feedback. Keep sharing your heart." And you know what? The woman that I wanted s0 badly to comment did!!!! I just found her comment and it made my heart sing!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Listening For Your Song

...He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17

I love music. Melodies and lyrics just seem to speak to my heart in a way that few other methods of communication are able to achieve. So many of my memories seem to be attached to music. And nothing seems to quiet my heart the way a familiar hymn or praise song can.

That's one of the reasons I love watching the movie, Life is Beautifull. The story takes place during World War II. A family has been separated upon arrival at a concentration camp. The wife is placed in the women's barracks and has no idea if her husband and five-year-old son are still alive. The woman's heart can hardly contain the grief and loneliness and sense of uncertainty that she must face day after dismal day. Until one night...

She is sound asleep when suddenly her heart is aroused by a familiar song. Little does she realize that her husband has been told to serve at a Nazi party. While he is there working, he notices a Victrola and some records. He quickly looks through the records and comes across a song that he and his wife danced to while they were dating. It was "their song". He quickly places the amplifying horn to the window and plays the song, in hopes that his wife will hear the music.

She does! And as she hears the familiar melody, her eyes fill with tears. It's him! That's our song! I know he is playing it for me! I know he is alive!

Isn't that just what Jesus does for His children? He knows there are times when our hearts are breaking. He knows those times when anxiety clouds our eyes and fear causes us to doubt if God really loves us. Where is He? I don't feel His presence! Why has He left me so alone? Doesn't He know how much I need Him? Doesn't He care?

Then, suddenly, out of nowhere, we hear the music! He is playing "our song"! Finally, our restless hearts are quiet; His music restores our hope!

If you feel lost or lonely today, beaten down by the disappointments of this life, I hope today that you will listen...listen for His song of love that He has written especially for you!

The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

Friday, February 12, 2010

Playing "Catch-Up" (or is it Ketchup?)

As you can see, my WONDERFUL husband was able to help me with my picture-posting dilemma. Yeah, Bill!!! Here are a few of the things we have been doing the last few weeks...
This is one of my sweet little students that I teach every afternoon. She is quite remarkable! She is only in second grade, but she has lived in Mexico, Argentina, Romania, and Italy. She speaks four languages! Spanish is spoken at home, but she is in a traditional English-speaking classroom. I am so proud of her! She came to our country with no knowledge of English, and now she is at the top of her class in all of her subjects! I also teach her little sister who is in Kindergarten. She is making tremendous strides as well!
Here's my guy standing next to a cutout of Dave Ramsey. Dave recently spoke in Houston and we were gifted with the opportunity to hear him speak. Wow! Is he dynamic! His money strategies are based on sound, Biblical, common sense truths. I gleaned much from his wisdom but also from his speaking style. He had a HUGE crowd to entertain for five hours and he made the time fly!

Here is my handsome Prince of a man! Can you believe he will be turning old in just a few weeks? I hate to say the number because every time I do, it makes ME feel ancient! Suffice it to say, this man will always be young at heart!
And here's a picture of me. I look puffier that ever thanks to my "Prednisone/Steroid Buddies" that I have to take because of my precious ears (said with clenched teeth!!!).
And here I am at a book signing with Beth Moore. She is such a talented speaker and writer and she is my inspiration. Needless to say, it was thrilling to meet her. I held her hand extra long, just hoping some of her talent would flow into my veins!!!
Here she is, signing my book! And she has that "deer in the headlights" look about her because she is trying to think of just the right words to write to me! LOL

Her new book is about saying good-bye to self-esteem and finding our identity in Christ. I have learned so much from her books, "Breaking Free" and "Get Out Of That Pit!". Beth lives here in Houston and has a massive Bible Study that she teaches every Tuesday evening. My goal is to attend one of her studies.

Some awesome things happened while I was there. I met several interesting women while standing in line. When I entered the store, the lady in charge interviewed me a bit. As I was leaving she came up to me again and said, "You told me you do some speaking. Do you have a card? I spoke to the manager of this store and he would like to have your card on file and also put it up on their Community Board. Would that be okay?" Woo-Hoo! Thank you, Lord!

At the end of this month I will be teaching at a Women's Retreat in Biloxi, Mississippi. It is based on Isaiah and the many ways God shows His love for us. Then, the first week in March I speak in Chicago for the World Home Bible League. I will be sharing our family's Katrina experience, based on Psalm 23.

That catches you up on our recent comings and goings...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I Wish I had A Thrilling, Edge - O f - Your - Seat, Story

Oh, my! Friends, I have not felt like writing. I have not felt like chatting, or cooking, or cleaning, or doing much of anything else lately. My ears have just worn me down! But no more will my emotions bow to the disabled orifices that protrude from either side of my head! No, sir! Not me!

Oh, who am I kidding?!!! The ears have not popped yet. (Notice I refer to them as the ears? I refuse to claim them as my ears until they get their act together!)

On Monday, I called Dr. Klink. I used to smile when I said his name...the cuteness wore off at my third visit! But, I digress...Dr. Klink would be out of the office until Wednesday, the nice office lady told me. I asked if there was any way I could get an appointment ASAP because my ears were creating lots of anxiety. She pulled my chart, looked over his notes, and said I could come in on Wednesday at 10:45 for the procedure. She also advised me to have someone accompany me to the office because I would not be able to drive myself home. No Problemo!!

Bill took 4 hours off from work, I canceled all of my classes, and off we went to dear Dr. Klink.
The nurse told Bill and I to start in the first room and she would get the bed ready in the other room where I would have my ear drums opened (aka "lanced").

DDK (dear Dr. Klink) looked in my ears, sat down, and looked at Bill. He said he was sorry to have inconvenienced him. (HEY, BUDDY! WHAT ABOUT ME!!! YOU KNOW...THE LADY YOU TOLD EIGHT WEEKS AGO THAT THIS SHOULD CLEAR UP IN NO TIME!!!) He then explained how he would feel much better if I would let the ears (I want you to know that I just erased "these ears of mine" and typed "the ears"!) on their own. I grimaced, he could tell I was upset...and I had all I could do to keep from clunking Klink!!! Needless to say, I had a meltdown in the hallway of the medical building. The Dr. was right about one thing...I was in no shape to drive myself home!

Thanks for letting me vent. I know this is not anything serious like having a tumor or having cancer, so I am now resolved to get on with life...

On a lighter note, I have not been rolled up in a ball in bed. Here are a few things Bill and I have done since I last wrote on my blog...

Well, maybe not! I tried and tried to download a few pictures but I am having technical difficulties (that's code for "I don't know what I'm doing!), so check back later after the big guy gets home and can hopefully fix the problem.