Recently, those of you have been blog followers for awhile have noticed that I've been struggling. I often question if I should continue to write this blog. My reasons for stopping are a bit selfish, so I'll try to explain my train of thought...
If you've never written an online journal, it's kind of like revealing yourself and your thoughts and putting it out there for the whole world to read. And if you have looked at the recent map I've added to my main page, blogs really are read by the whole world! Never in my dreams would I have thought that I would have readers from Russia or Afghanistan!
If you've never written an online journal, it's kind of like revealing yourself and your thoughts and putting it out there for the whole world to read. And if you have looked at the recent map I've added to my main page, blogs really are read by the whole world! Never in my dreams would I have thought that I would have readers from Russia or Afghanistan!
Having said that, the downside is this: I put my thoughts out there, hoping you all will respond by leaving a comment. But that rarely happens. And when I don't get comments, I feel frustrated.
So there you have it...another "true confession" from me. Your comments would be greatly
appreciated. 'Nuf said 'bout that!
Now I'll share two kind of funny things that have happened this week with this blog.
- Someone googled "Shepherds Ears" and stumbled over here. Why? Because one of my titles was "They Hear the Shepherd's Voice". So I tried it. I googled my title, and there was my little blog...right in the middle of articles about the ears of German Shepherds! It brought back to mind the Christmas when David was probably about 4 years old. I explained to him that he was going to be a shepherd in the Christmas play at church. When it was time for me to fit him for his costume, he had this puzzled/disappointed look on his face. He said, "I thought I was going to be a German shepherd!"
- On Monday I wrote a post on God's love. It was for a "contest" of sorts for Proverbs 31 ministries. On Monday, I had almost a hundred women stop by to read my entry. Once again, I was so downcast that no one left a comment. Today, I figured out what happened...the place to place a comment was missing!!! A fluke? I don't think so! I think that might have been God's way of saying, "Write, my child. Don't concern yourself with getting feedback. Keep sharing your heart." And you know what? The woman that I wanted s0 badly to comment did!!!! I just found her comment and it made my heart sing!